Hi Ho Hats!
Hi Ho Hats – Uncle Wiggy EXCLUSIVE
What a pickle! Here’s a young man, eager to set off to wizard school, but he’s missing something. Can you guess what it is? That’s right! A hat. His Mum offers to help him, as she’s got a trunk in the attic with all sorts of hats, but things go from bad to worse, as you can see!
In desperation, our young hero asks to go to the Hat Shop. You display a folder, which represents the Hat Shop, and the children can see a picture in the open window.
The shopkeeper tells the young wizard that he only has one hat left, but he thinks it will be perfect. The young wizard is not so sure! There are no other hats in the shop, as you prove by peering through the window, but the children help with a magic spell, and another hat appears in the window. Better still, it’s a wizard’s hat! - but it’s far too big! More magic happens and as you can see from the happy boy wizard, everything comes out right!
Stunning artwork, dazzling colours and a brilliant, highly topical plot all add up to make this one of the best new children’s tricks for a long time. Highly visible (the cards are approx. 10” x 7”) yet the whole things packs completely flat.
One of the earliest copies of the trick went to Ian Adair. Here’s what he said: “Thanks for sending me the latest ‘Hi Ho Hats’ effect. It’s terrific!!! Great artwork, beautifully constructed and a wonderful theme. I performed it today and the kids loved it! It will be in the show forever!” And here’s another letter from busy professional, David Tomkins (Cheeky Dog Entertainments): “Many thanks for ‘Hi Ho Hats’. Was expecting something excellent and got it. Very pleased and it’s straight in the show.”
"Thank you for recommending 'Hi Ho Hats' to me. It is truly a fantastic trick, and a wonderful plot and story." Edd Crafer.
"I am having a lot of fun doing 'Hi Ho Hats'. Must be one of the best children's tricks on the market." Brian Varley.